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Titanium New Logo 2021.PNG

Our Mission

To create a culture of warmth and belonging where every skater, parent and volunteer feels welcome and without barriers provide a transparent, supportive, inclusive, and safe environment in which people of all ages, ethnicity and skills can participate in the sport of Artistic Roller Skating.


Our Vision

To equitably nurture each skater from grass roots to excellence by facilitating opportunity, coaching and guidance to allow for advancement and development in the sport of Artistic Roller Skating to ensure each skater reaches their full potential.

To be invested in delivering the very best in everything we do, always holding ourselves accountable for our actions, development and growth whilst constantly striving to find ways to grow the club and each other, always having the confidence to challenge the status quo.

To act with dignity, courage, humility, and respect always being a representative of Titanium Artistic Roller Skating Club, the sport of Artistic Roller Skating and most importantly ourselves. 


Our Values

T:       Team Work              We support one another.

I:        Integrity                   We do the right thing… Always!

T:       Tenacity                   We are dogged in our determination, we fall, 

                                           we  get up and we try again.

A:       Achievement          We are the best we can be celebrating each

                                           other’s achievement.

N:       Nurture                   We care and protect each other.

I:         Innovation              We strive to find ways to continually improve.

U:       Unity                        We are Titanium, strong in our bond.

M:       Mentorship             We guide and mentor each other, paying the

                                            lessons we learn forward.

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